Peru Cusco Machupicchu
Posted by Pisco Sour
Country: Peru
Region: Lima
Cost: 30.00$US
Date: 03rd January 2006
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Location: Cusco Inca Trail to Machupicchu

The new park regulation for Machupicchu is the new rule for trekers to the lost city of thei nca 4 days 3 nights

Peru - Lima - Peru Cusco Machupicchu - Machupicchu The lost city of thei ncas to get there form Cusoc can be od it by train 
112 kms = 3h1/2 or by treek  4 days 3 nights or 2 days 1 night
Posted by Pisco Sour - inkatrail2002[at]yahoo dot de
Date: 04th January 2006
Machupicchu The lost city of thei ncas to get there form Cusoc can be od it by train 112 kms = 3h1/2 or by treek 4 days 3 nights or 2 days 1 night
Peru - Lima - Peru Cusco Machupicchu - Machupicchu The lost city of thei ncas to get there form Cusoc can be od it by train 
112 kms = 3h1/2 or by treek  4 days 3 nights or 2 days 1 night
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